V historii spotřeby se zobrazuje nesprávné množství spotřebované vody/elektřiny a/nebo celkové náklady.

Vytvořil(a) Support Ease2pay, Změněno dne Út, 10 Říjen, 2023 v 12:51 ODPOLEDNE dle Support Ease2pay

If you think that your account history shows a higher water or electricity usage amount than you in reality used, please contact us through: https://freshdesk.walstroom.eu/en/support/tickets/new

It may also be possible that the usage amount is displayed correctly but that the costs are way higher than it should be. Also in this case, please contact us through: https://freshdesk.walstroom.eu/en/support/tickets/new.

In both cases, we will check whether everything went correctly or not. If something went wrong, we will contact you and resolve the issue.

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